Heroic moments of Combat deserve extra elements of drama and exciting action. The following rules allow players and NPCs to apply their Attacks to Targeted areas. This applies to monsters too…

Targeted Strikes Mechanics

To perform a Targeted Strike, the player must declare their attempt and preferred location before making any Attack rolls. The player will suffer a penalty to their Attack roll that varies with the difficulty of the strike they’re trying to pull off. Essentially, this increases the monster’s AC, making it harder to hit. If the player’s roll succeeds, normal Damage is dealt, along with an additional Effect from the list below.

There is no limit to the number of Targeted Strikes that can be made each Turn, as long as sufficient AP are available.

For example, Yatrath Barrelshaper attacks a Trogg with his axe. The Trogg has an AC of 14. Yatrath decides to aim for the head (+4 AC). He now needs to roll 18 or higher with his Weapon Chance to Hit. If successful, he deals full Damage along with the additional Effects for a head strike.

Arms (+2 AC)

Arms include any limbs used to manipulate objects, including tentacles. Wings also count for this purpose.

Effect: The Creature suffers Disadvantage for one Turn on any Check that involves the use of Arms. It can negate this Effect by Healing for at least 20% of its Maximum HP. A Flying Creature also descends to the ground and it cannot use its wings again for one Turn.

Legs (+2 AC)

Legs, including feet, are any limbs used for Movement. Targeted Strikes have no effect if the Creature does not have legs or if it has four or more legs.

Effect: The Creature’s MP is reduced for one Turn by 1 MP for each leg it has. This effect stacks but cannot reduce its MP below 1. It can negate this Effect by Healing for at least 20% of its Maximum HP.

Neck (+4 AC)

An attack to the throat or neck limits the ability of a Creature to produce sound while it recovers.

Effect: The Creature is Silenced for one Turn.

Ears (+4 AC)

Ears are any organs used to hear. Targeted Strikes have no effect against Creatures without visible ears.

Effect: The Creature is Deafened for one Turn. During this time, it automatically fails any Check that requires hearing.

Eyes (+4 AC)

Eyes are any organs used to see. Targeted Strikes cannot affect a Creature with four or more eyes.

Effect: The Creature is Blinded for one Turn. During this time, it automatically fails any Check that requires sight.

Hands (+6 AC)

Hands include any extremities used for fine manipulation of objects. Targeted Strikes cannot affect a Creature without hands.

Effect: The Creature suffers Disadvantage for one Turn on any Check that involves the use of Hands. It also immediately drops everything it is holding. Retrieving said items is a Full-Turn Action.

Head (+6 AC)

The head includes any structure that houses a Creature’s brain. Creatures without heads are not subject to the effects of a head strike.

Effect: The Creature is Stunned for one Turn.

Heart (+9 AC)

A heart strike includes striking at any weak point that the DM deems suitably fatal to an opponent. Not all Creatures have such weaknesses.

Effect: A successful heart strike causes the Creature to bleed endlessly each Turn for the same amount of Damage dealt by the Targeted Strike. This bleeding can be negated only by Healing for at least 25% of the Creature’s Maximum HP or by succeeding at a First Aid Check with a DC equal to the Attack roll used to cause the Strike. A Creature can only be affected by one such bleed at a time.