Injury and the risk of Death are constant companions of those who explore the world of Rath. The thrust of a sword, a well-placed arrow, or a blast of flame from a Spell all have the potential to Damage or kill the hardiest of Creatures…

Death Rules

Falling Unconscious

This is the most common type of Death. When your HP is reduced to 0, you fall Unconscious. You begin making Death Saving Throws until Stabilised or Dead.


If you fail three Death Saving Throws without being Stabilised, you die. You can no longer be Stabilised or Healed. You take no further part in Combat and suffer from penalties.

Death Saving Throws

Whenever you start your Turn with 0 HP, you must make a special roll, called a Death Saving Throw, to determine whether you creep closer to Death or hang onto life. Unlike other Saving Throws, this one isn’t affected by any Bonuses apart from one, called a Death Saves Bonus. You are in the hands of fate.

Roll 1d20 and add your Death Saves Bonus. If the roll is 10 or higher, you Succeed. Otherwise, you Fail. A Success or Failure has no effect by itself. On your third Success, you become Stable (see below). On your third Failure, you Die. The Successes and Failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until you collect three of a kind. The number of both is reset to zero when you become Stable or Die.

Stabilising a Creature

Creatures can be Stabilised if they receive Healing or succeed at three Death Saving Throws. They return to life with 1 HP. However, it becomes increasingly difficult to Stabilise Creatures that fall to 0 HP repeatedly. See Decay and Omens for details.

Monsters and Death

Most Monsters Die the instant they drops to 0 HP, rather than making Death Saving Throws. However, certain mighty villains and special NPCs are common exceptions and often follow the same rules as Players.

Death Penalties

When you Die, you lose 20% of the Experience you have gained in your Current Level. You cannot lose a Level or be reduced below 0% progression towards the next Level. This makes Death more punishing the closer you are to Leveling Up.

Each time you Die, there is also a 2% chance a random item you have Equipped is permanently Broken.