Decay and Omens
Decay makes it more difficult to Stabilise Creatures who have repeatedly reached 0 HP. Each time a Creature is Stabilised, it gains one stack of Decay. Each stack of Decay has the following Effects:
Weakened Spirit: -1 Malus to Death Saves Bonus.
Necrosis: There is a 10% chance any Healing applied to the Creature is negated and fails to Stabilise.
Creatures that die repeatedly to the same type of Creature will be afflicted by an Omen. For example, a Creature who is repeatedly reduced to 0 HP by Bworks will gain a Bwork Omen. This is a special type of Curse that makes the victim weak to assaults from that type of Creature. Omens can apply both to Players and NPCs.
Omens have various Effects depending on the type of Creature involved. Omens also become stronger if the victim continues to be reduced to 0 HP by the same type of Creature, making the Effect accumulate over time.
Omens can be decreased or removed by seeking out and slaying a particularly powerful example of that type of Creature. Players suffering from an Omen may also be pursued and ambushed by Creatures of that type, and the Player’s general location can be sensed by all Creatures of that type.