Augustus made a decision instantly – though some would argue he had no idea what he was doing… He ate the Bworker Seed.
And that was that. The race of Bworks was gone.
With the threat eliminated – for good – there remained little to do but tend to the wounds of the living, and to bury the dead. Amongst the living were Guillaume and his grateful owner. The stalwart companion seemed healthy and happy. The party said their goodbyes to Ryeletha, and Latirus, and Sol One-Arm… Queen Telarissa, now fully recovered, asked for Sylas’s attention.

The Queen had promised to help Sylas find out more about the dark forces that destroyed his village. Though he was but a young man, he remembered everything. Most of all, he remembered the symbol they bore. He had vowed to himself he would find them at all costs. But where to start? Northfrost, came the Queen’s answer.

And so the party set out for Northfrost. The goal: to find out more about the strange symbol Sylas remembered… and the people who had rained fire and destruction upon his home. But first, practicalities. Northfrost sits on a rocky island in a cold sea. The party needed a boat!

Weaving through the pines and oaks, the party soon came to the coastal highway. There they found Gnut. Not a fish. No saltwater monster or marsh denizen, but a simple fisherman, plying his trade near the coasts. Gnut offered to sell the party a cheap skiff or take them to a nearby dock – for a fee!
The party had no idea how to sail, so they opted to ride with Gnut. He “impressed” them along the way with his tales. Once, he claimed, he fended off a mighty kraken… a strange blue sea-creature with a blowhole in its top… Soon enough, they arrived at a larger dock. Gnut referred them to another Captain. A personal friend of Gnut’s, he promised.

The Captain had never heard of “Gnut”. He didn’t even know what a “Gnut” was. Nonetheless, he agreed to transport the party to the vast, sprawling port of Northfrost. A new adventure was underway!
Several boring days at sea followed. Eventually the party arrived. First, they had to be interrogated by customs – much to Sylas’s disapproval. Then they found an inn for the night…
Northfrost is a bustling port metropolis and the inn was full. The innkeeper reluctantly agreed to let the party use his personal quarters for one night. It had been a long day and energy levels were low for all except two people in the inn.
The first of those was a sneak thief. This hapless fool tried to filch several items from Garrius. Unfortunately for him, he was detected. Garrius was furious – and even more so when he found out what had been stolen. A handful of potions Nightshade had passed Garrius for safekeeping. He grabbed the thief and scared him so badly he fled crying.
The other exception was Egos… The fearsome half-orc was approached by two ladies of the night. They were keen to inspect his impressive physique more closely – and to make a quick few coins while they were at it. A deal was struck. Egos, insisting he could handle both “ladies”, took the slightly odd-smelling, gap-toothed women to his room… and a good night was had by all!
Except Augustus… who got drunk and passed out in an upstairs corridor.