Animal Healing
AP: 3 | Mana: 10% | CD: 1 | Range: 4
You Heal a Creature for 1d6+50% Heals or a Summon for twice this Amount.
Finesse 1: Heals increased to 60%.
Finesse 2: Heals increased to 80%.
Finesse 3: Heals increased to 100%.
Finesse 4: Cooldown reduced to 0.
Chain Shot
AP: 2 | Mana: 12% | CD: 2 | Range: 4 | Roll: Yes
You atttempt to hook an Enemy onto an Ally or any Summon, forcing it to Fixate on the Target for one Turn, unless it succeeds at a DC 10 Wisdom Saving Throw.
Finesse 1: Saving Throw DC increased to 12.
Finesse 2: Saving Throw DC increased to 14.
Finesse 3: Saving Throw DC increased to 16.

Constricting Tentacles
AP: 6 | Mana: 24% | CD: 4 | Range: 4
Eldritch tentacles arise from the deep earth and crush a Creature, Stunning it for one Turn, unless it succeeds at a DC 10 Strength Saving Throw.
Finesse 1: Saving Throw DC increased to 11.
Finesse 2: Saving Throw DC increased to 12.
Finesse 3: Saving Throw DC increased to 13.
Finesse 4: Saving Throw DC increased to 14.
Finesse 5: Successful Stuns last two Turns.
Corpse Explosion
AP: 6 | Mana: 24% | CD: 6 | Range: 4
Infects an Allied Summon with a dread curse, causing it to explode when it dies, dealing its Maximum HP in Damage split between all Enemies in Line of Sight.

AP: 3 | Mana: 4% | CD: 0 | Range: 4
Lash out with spectral wings, dealing 1d12+40% Weapon Damage to a Creature or twice this amount to a Summon.
Finesse 1: Damage increased to 50%.
Finesse 2: Damage increased to 60%.
Finesse 3: Damage increased to 70%.
Finesse 4: Damage increased to 80%.
Finesse 5: Damage increased to 100%.
AP: 4 | Mana: 12% | CD: 1
Deals 1d4+140% Spell Damage to the Enemy with the lowest Current Health on the Battlefield, regardless of Range or Line of Sight.

Eldritch Blast
AP: 6 | Mana: 40% | CD: 2 | Range: 4
A terrifying blast of dark energy strikes a Creature for 2d4+260% Spell Damage.
Finesse 1: Damage increased to 270%.
Finesse 2: Damage increased to 280%.
Finesse 3: Damage increased to 290%.
Finesse 4: Damage increased to 300%.
Finesse 5: Cooldown reduced to 1 Turn.
High-Energy Shot
AP: 2 | Mana: 14% | CD: 3 | Range: 4
Energises certain Summons, causing them to repeat for free the next Action they take on their Turn. This Talent does not stack with itself on the same Summon.
Ammonite: Siphons twice.
Egret: Attempts two Attacks.
Gazer: May Gaze at two Creatures, or one Creature twice.
Parasite: Siphons twice.
Planar Gnome: Casts two Spells.

AP: 1 | Mana: 0% | CD: 2
You charge yourself with eldritch forces. Each time you deal Damage this Turn, restore 10% of your Maximum HP and Maximum Mana.
Summon Ammonite
AP: 6 | Mana: 8% | CD: 6 | Range: 4
You Summon a non-controllable Ammonite with 20% of your Maximum HP. It cannot move and it siphons one Enemy within Line of Sight each Turn, transferring 5% of the Target’s Current Mana to You or an Ally of your choice.

Summon Egret
AP: 6 | Mana: 20% | CD: 4 | Range: 4
You Summon a controllable Egret with 20% of your Maximum HP. It has 12 MP and Attacks for 1d4+5% Weapon Damage. When it successfully Attacks, its Damage is doubled. Only one Egret may exist at once.
Summon Eldritch Horror
AP: 8 | Mana: 60% | CD: 6 | Range: 4
Requires completion of the Quest: Eldritch Bindings.
You spawn into existence your chosen Eldritch Horror, which will attempt to further your aims before it returns to the shadows. Only one such dread being may exist at once.

Summon Ifrit
AP: 2 | Mana: 12% | CD: 1 | Range: 4
You summon a mischievous Ifrit under your control. It takes no Actions, but at the end of its second Turn it explodes, dealing 1d12+20% Spell Damage to all Adjacent creatures.
Sub-Ability: Summon Pit Lord. Immediately after sacrificing five Ifrits, a Pit Lord flies over the Battlefield, dealing 3d12+600% Spell Damage split between all Enemies who do not have Full Cover.
Summon Festering Golem
AP: 6 | Mana: 24% | CD: 6 | Range: 4
You summon a controllable Festering Golem with 200% of your Maximum HP. It constantly rots and decays, losing 25% of its Maximum HP per Turn. Only one Festering Golem may exist at once.
Sub-Ability: Consume. The Festering Golem consumes a Creature unless it succeeds at a DC 8 Strength Saving Throw. A consumed Creature cannot see the Battlefield and may take no Actions besides attempting to expel itself (DC 14 Strength Saving Throw). A full Golem may not Consume again.
Sub-Ability: Expel. The Festering Golem expels its meal in an Adjacent Square.
Finesse 1: Consume Saving Throw DC increased to 9.
Finesse 2: Consume Saving Throw DC increased to 10.
Finesse 3: Consume Saving Throw DC increased to 11.
Finesse 4: Consume Saving Throw DC increased to 12.
Finesse 5: Maximum HP loss reduced to 20% per Turn.

Summon Gazer
AP: 3 | Mana: 16% | CD: 4 | Range: 4
You summon a controllable Gazer with 20% of your Maximum HP that may Gaze at Creatures, revealing complete details about one of their Spells or Items, unless they succeed at a DC 8 Wisdom Saving Throw. Only one Gazer may exist at once.
Finesse 1: Saving Throw DC increased to 10.
Finesse 2: Saving Throw DC increased to 12.
Finesse 3: Saving Throw DC increased to 14.
Finesse 4: Saving Throw DC increased to 16.
Finesse 5: Saving Throw DC increased to 18.
Summoning Mastery
AP: 6 | Mana: 20% | CD: 4
You draw on eldritch forces, instantly triggering a powerful Effect on one of your Summons.
Egret: Next Attack is an automatic Success and Triples its Damage.
Ifrit: Instantly explodes and counts as two Ifrits.
Festering Golem: If the Golem is empty, no Saving Throw applies.
Gazer: If successful, the Gazed Talent or Item is disabled for one Turn.
Planar Gnome: Always casts a 9th Level Spell.

Summon Parasite
AP: 6 | Mana: 8% | CD: 6 | Range: 4
You Summon a non-controllable Parasite with 20% of your Maximum HP. It cannot move and it siphons one Enemy within Line of Sight each Turn, transferring 5% of the Target’s Maximum Health to You or an Ally of your choice.
Summon Planar Gnome
AP: 8 | Mana: 60% | CD: 8 | Range: 4
You Summon a non-controllable Planar Gnome with 40% of your Maximum HP and Mana. On its Turn, it attempts to cast helpful Spells fitting your current circumstances, with a Maximum Spell Level equal to half Your Level (maximum 9th Level at Level 18 and above).

AP: 6 | Mana: 12% | CD: 0 | Range: 4
Deals 2d8+215% Weapon Damage. If this kills a Creature or Summon, the AP Cost is refunded.
AP: 2 | Mana: 16% | CD: 2 | Roll: Yes
You instantly dismiss any Summon with a magical bolt. If you created the Summon, its remaining Cooldown is decreased by Half, rounded up. This Spell will draw great anger if used against Enemy Summons.