Race: Thorgar
Class: Tumblerite
Age: 26
Dash: You move three Squares in a direction of your choice.
“Battle Roar” – A Thorgar can unleash a powerful roar, intimidating enemies and bolstering allies.
“Rolling Charge” lets them curl into a ball and roll at high speed to ram enemies, and “Agile Recovery” allows them to quickly recover from falls or stumbles without taking damage.
Slashing Belt of Void Ambitions: This multibladed belt grants +1 to attack rolls and 1d12 bonus damage.
Green Glowing Skull: Emits light in a small radius.
Across his chest is the symbol of his tribe. 7ft 5 inch’s Mutton Chop Beard Icy White viking style braided hair Icy Blue eyes His horn is also cracked and broken near the top. Drakar has a very dark/gloomy aura, always looks and seems angry. Very big and muscular but also very dextrous while wielding a weapon especially a sword or hammer. Backstory- During his younger years Drakar and his brother Torvald where captured by slavers to fight in the pits of Shadmir, Torvald did not want to see his brother tortured by the slavers so he made a deal with them that would spare his brothers life. Drakar made an oath to find his brother Torvald once again and free him from his captivity, but to do this he would need gold and lots of it or maybe learn how to fight. Drakar had been observing his father and brother while they trained and studied the art of war/combat, taking in all the skills he could. Drakar would then go and practice what he had learned, training hard night and day to become the strongest swordsman to ever exists. Drakars strength and size began to double as he went through this process of becoming the greatest swordsman. He began to desensitize to the idea of death and began finding himself craving bloodshed and war. Remembering his Oath Drakar then proceeds to find anyway of making some gold to speed up the process. As he passes a local Inn he noticed a leaflet explaining about becoming an arena performer. Drakar took the information from the leaflet and left the Inn to join these “Performers of Shadimar”.
Drakar just loves battle, its a addiction for him. Even if he was able to leave Shadimar he would join tournaments, become a sellsword or just simply smash heads