Race: Thorgar
Class: Strongfolk
Age: 26
Special Effects
Malus of Mortality: At any time, you will be shown a vision of your true death to come.
Dash: You move three Squares in a direction of your choice.
Battle Roar: A Thorgar can unleash a powerful roar, intimidating enemies and bolstering allies.
Herculean Strength: You temporarily gain incredible physical power.
Crowd Pleaser: you boost your allies’ morale and performance when they perform feats of strength.
4x Griffon Jerky This chewy jerky, made from the meat of specially bred griffins, temporarily doubles jump distance for 2 turns.
Salazar’s Standard Reptile Anatomy Textbook: Written in a strange language.
Tree-Engraved Tome: “Breeze, heat, soil, water of life”.
The Sphinx and the Stablehand: A sad tale of forbidden love between a sphinx and a boy.
2x Candied Dragon Scales These vibrantly colored candies, made from the shed scales of young dragons, grant a small burst of energy, allowing the consumer to take the Dash action as an additional bonus action, even if you have already Dashed this turn.
Boots of Hopeless Teleportation: These flashy boots always teleport the wearer to the nearest puddle, regardless of distance or obstacles.
A Beginner’s Guide to Polymorphing: From Puppy to Party Animal: Filled with crudely drawn illustrations and questionable magical theory, this book promises to unlock the secrets of shapeshifting, with potentially disastrous (and hilarious) consequences.
Njal is a huge Thorgar standing at 7’2 with two medium sized curved horns on either size of his forehead like a minotaur with countless battles scars ranging from whip marks to blade marks, cuts from head to toe, his back is the worst, where his shell used to be is a horrible amount of scaring, covering his entire back, whip marks left and right with the odd blade cuts and stab wounds. covering his legs and arms are numberous cuts and stabs some spanning the length of his forearm. the rest of his armour plates along his body are either broken, shattered or healed poorly causing some to be distorted. he has a a small Ginger mohawk going back between his horns and a little beard keeping his chin warm but little else. his skin is various shades of dark browns and greys armour plates with different shades of pink from the scar tissues various healed parts some darker than others showing the age of each one very well. His eyes a fiery orange turning bloodshot red when his temper is high and his personality is lost…. Background – After giving everything to keep his Younger brother Drakar from being captured and dragged off as a slave Njal made a deal by swapping places with his brother meaning they took him instead, after weeks of fighting against the slaves they made the decision to take his shell destroying his pride and breaking him in more ways than one, turning him into a shell (lol) of himself, a broken Thorgar with no more fight left in him, he was beaten into combat and made to fight for entertainment and survival in the pits of various places, after countless fights surviving many battles against foes bigger and smaller Njal was molded into th perfect killing machine, an unstoppable force of pure hatred and getting a numbness to killing his name was lost to time leaving a single brand on his left shoulder blade at the back with the family branded symbol for tribe ‘Bloodmoon’ unable to see it that name faded into nothing as time went and all he heard chanting was ‘Njal’ after endless nights of strong beatings and whippings it turned the broken Thorgar into a kind hearted gentleman that couldnt hurt a fly resulting in the slaves selling him to the merchants of Shadimar who found a different use for him….until the beast inside was set free by the reminders of the life he had finally escaped leaving no one behind but corpses. coming to from his bloodrage questioning where all these corpses came from before moving on to the marvel that is the performance arenas!
Njal just wants to pursue his (delusional) dreams of being a gentleman to all and show that Thorgar can learn and be peaceful (or does he just think he wants this but deep down he wants to shower in the blood of his enemies and hear the name Njal be screamed from the walls or was that the screams of the innocents caught in the way….?)