Race: Lunara
Class: Bardic Spirit
Age: 15
Special Effects
Boon of Greed: Whenever you obtain a valuable non-magical item, get two instead.
Dash: You move three Squares in a direction of your choice.
Moonbeam: Lunara can call upon the power of the moon to heal their allies or harm their enemies.
Daredevil’s Luck: gives them a bonus to perform risky stunts successfully.
Crowd Stunner: lets them perform a spectacular song that stuns enemies and impresses the crowd.
Elixir of the Phoenix (Potion): When consumed, grants the drinker a burst of life, instantly regaining all hit points and curing any poisons or diseases they are afflicted with. For the next hour, the user is completely blinded by even the slightest amount of darkness.
2x Moonberry Muffins Baked with berries that glow faintly under the moonlight, these muffins restore a small amount of health when consumed.
The Perpetual Polka-Dot Shirt (Equipped): This otherwise unremarkable shirt inexplicably changes its polka-dot pattern every morning. The dots shift size, color, and even occasionally animate, hopping or swirling across the fabric in a mesmerizing display.
The Bard’s Book of Bawdy Ballads: Guaranteed to Make Anyone Blush: – A collection of bawdy ballads and limericks, most likely “borrowed” from traveling bards. May come with sticky finger marks and a faint scent of ale.
Figurine of a small lady holding aloft a glowing green crystal.
Chute Key.
Sculptors of the Damned: Carving the essence of powerful heroes and ancient souls for storage in stone.
She’s a bit of an airhead and performs for her own entertainment first and foremost. No known home, or she has forgotten it.