Race: Quorrik
Class: Cauldron Master
Age: 40
Dash (free, once per Turn): You move three squares in a direction of your choice.
Coal Dance (25% Actions): You create a protective ring of fire around yourself. All enemies within 4 squares are knocked back by 1 square.
Brew Soup (100% Actions): Discover a new soup. You can choose to keep up to 4, at which point you must replace an existing soup to retain the new recipe. 2 of 4 soups learned.
Soup Jet (75% Actions): You breathe hot soup at your enemies, dealing 1d20 damage to a target within 6 squares.
Ember Maw (50% Actions): You splash an enemy for 1d4 fire damage. Subsequent splashes on the same target double the dice size with no upper limit. Current: 1d4.
All items cost 25% Actions unless otherwise specified.
2x Moonberry Muffins Baked with berries that glow faintly under the moonlight, these muffins restore a small amount of health when consumed.
Cloak of the Chameleon (Clothing): The wearer can activate the cloak, becoming perfectly invisible for 1 Turn. While invisible, they gain Advantage on movement-related checks and they can move through solid objects as if they were ethereal. After the invisibility effect ends, the wearer’s physical form becomes warped and translucent for 2 Turns. During this time, they have Disadvantage on all attacks and spells made against them.
Nugget Pouch A small, worn leather pouch containing a single, gleaming gold nugget.
Tome of Culinary Calamity Permanently expands the number of soups you can learn by 1, and teaches one of the following soups:
Vegetable Soup: Creates a slippery surface in a 5-foot radius around the target, causing difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.
Mushroom Bisque: The target’s next ability check has its total roll reduced by 1d6.
Hearty Broth: The target regains 25% health.
Used to work as a cook in the King’s kitchens, was expelled after being accused of trying to poison the soup.
Has a personal goal to open an inn of their own.